PDF Diagrams vs. Video Instructions

Valentine's Models

After posting two PDFs and video instructions for Valentine's Day, I have also written an article that gives a short comparison of PDF diagrams and video instructions.

It's now available as one of the open-access articles in OrigamiUSA's TheFold: http://www.origami-u...

I hope you enjoy the read and am happy to get your feedback. I know there's more aspects to these two methods of spreading origami, but hope I captured some of the more important aspects in the article.

I'll take this chance to note that there are many other, members-only articles that are published in TheFold, and I've been thoroughly enjoying these articles. Some have been very thought-inspiring and have lead me to experiment with some of the concepts introduced. So if you've been thinking about joining OrigamiUSA, but still need that extra little motivation, TheFold should more than cover that. :)

If you are an OrigamiUSA member and you don't know how to get access, do read the FAQ on website accounts.

You can see the list of thus far published articles at:

The titles and authors will probably already give you an idea of the goodness within. :)

Hope you enjoy my article,

-- Sara

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