A Butterfly for Jan Polish and V'Ann Cornelius (Michael LaFosse)

LaFosse, Michael
Adams, Sara
Difficulty Level: 
Model type: 
Paper ratio: 

The best signal for me being in love with a book? I can't seem to stop folding, even if it means getting less sleep than is probably good for me. ;)

I love Michael LaFosse's butterflies, because the designs are exquisite, but also because they are the perfect models for showing off the beauty of paper. This is why I've been folding butterflies from different types of paper. I wanted to see what effect each paper brought to the butterflies. Today I went with iridescent paper.

Paper: two 15cm squares of iridescent paper (orange/red, blue/lilac)
A Butterfly for Jan Polish (orange/red): 7.5cm high, 11cm wide
A Butterfly for V'Ann Cornelius (blue/lilac): 7cm high, 10.25cm wide

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