Google Doodle (Robert J. Lang): Tant

Lang, Robert
Adams, Sara
Difficulty Level: 
Low intermediate
Model type: 
Paper ratio: 
Non-square Rectangle
Review of the paper used: 

Ok, second version, now with colors. :)
While taking the photograph I tried to somewhat replicate the way the letters were placed for the doodle. Close enough, close enough. Didn't add any butterflies, though!

Paper: Tant, various colors
G: 17.2cm by 7.4cm
o: 14.3cm by 7.4cm
g: 26.3cm by 7.4cm
l: 8.2cm by 7.4cm
e: 14.4cm by 7.4cm

G: 5.7cm wide, 6.4cm high, 2.5cm deep
o: 3.9cm wide, 3.9cm high, 2.5cm deep
g: 4.7cm wide, 7.8cm high, 2.5cm deep
l: 1.9cm high, 6.3cm wide, 2.5cm deep
e: 4.0cm wide, 4.1cm high, 2.5cm deep

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