Subtitles revisited

screenshotI've started looking into adding subtitles to my videos again.
I'm happy to say that I've completed English and German subtitles for my latest video, "The Last Waltz" by Neal Elias. I discovered Jubler, which is an excellent - and free - program to make subtitles.
Linda also volunteered to translate the subtitles into Arabic, and this is under way now. The first part of the video already has Arabic subtitles, exciting!

If you'd like to help out, please leave a comment or contact me. I probably already have someone for French subtitles (yey!), but all other languages are still up for grabs.

Finally, if you don't know how to activate subtitles on YouTube, this is the way:
In the bottom right corner of the video frame there is a small up arrow. If you hover your mouse over it a submenu pops up. One of the items is called "CC", and it has a small left arrow next to it. Hover over that arrow, and another submenu will pop up. It shows which subtitles are available.

Happy reading,

-- Sara


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