Birthday Giveaway (Deadline Nov 21st 2015): Triphilia Variations folded by Robin Scholz

Origami Giveaway (Deadline: November 21st 2015): Triphilia Variations by Robin Scholz

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Deadline: November 21st 2015

It's my birthday, so the perfect occasion for a giveaway. :)
This time it's an extra special treat, three models folded by Robin Scholz. They are all variations of his Triphilia tessellation - which, by the way, you can learn to fold here:
A big thanks to Robin for sharing these models with me to give away to three lucky winners.


I'd like to see the Oasis Star! (Not sure if I spelled that right.) I have a lot of squares and I hate having to cut them! But I also think the Oasis Star is pretty cool looking too!

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