Submitted by Sara on 2 August 2020 - 5:14pm
August 22nd-23rd a truly incredible event is taking place: 48 hours of online origami classes where 48 prestigious designers present 48 models from all areas of origami!
Registration is now open, with the event costing 48 EUR, so just 1 EUR per master class. Details are available here: https://www.origami-...
For the curious amongst you, these are the superb creators teaching the classes (via Zoom):

- Winnie Leung
- Gen Hagiwara
- Meng Weining (212moving) 孟伟凝
- Utsman Rosyidhi
- Mi Wu
- Nguyễn Hùng Cường
- Ali Bahmani
- Kunsulu Jilkishiyeva
- Juho Könkkölä
- Marc Vigo
- Maria Sinayskaya
- Artur Biernacki
- José Meeusen
- Jonathan Rebouillat
- Sébastien Limet
- Carmen Sprung
- Krešimir (Kreshimir) Rajki
- Beth Moore Johnson
- Jeremy Shafer
- Richard Galindo Flores
- Yara Yagi
- Miguel Kaiser Colivoro
- Ekaterina Lukasheva
- Joseph Wu
- Meenakshi Mukerji
- Robert J. Lang
- Kade Chan
- Chen Xiao 陈晓
- Himanshu Agrawal
- Kawahata Fumiaki
- Wei Lin Chen (Origami x 摺紙)
- Timoshik Aleksander
- Ben Goldberger
- Dáša Ševerová
- Oriol Esteve
- Michał Kosmulski
- Riccardo Foschi
- Francesco Mancini
- Tine Błażek
- Tetsuya Gotani
- Alizée Glasser
- João Charrua
- David Brill
- Roman Diaz
- Michael LaFosse
- Fabian Correa Gómez
- Hubert Villeneuve
- Shuki Kato
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