Two days I received my copy of Michael LaFosse's Origami Butterflies - a completely new presentation of Michael LaFosse's superb butterfly system. On the same day I had a look through the book, and importantly the two accompanying DVDs. I watched the intro by Michael LaFosse and Richard Alexander - so great to see this extra personal touch - as well the instructional video on "A Butterfly for Eric Joisel". Just as expected, the presentation is of extremely high quality. It struck me that - given that every model is presented both in diagrams and as a full instructional video - this book might also be a great guide to learning how to read diagrams. Ah, I need to write a review on this book, I'm already taken in by it so much!
Anyway, on to the picture... today is Mother's Day and I figured it was the best day to take some time to do something that I wanted to do - not had to. :)
I really felt like making some double tissue and folding some of the wonderful butterflies presented in the book. My initial thought was to use Origamido, but then I also discovered this small sample of kozo, already precut to squares. So I figured I'd give the kozo a go, plus it was so much more convenient that it was already square.
Here's the small collection of butterflies that emerged. I will note that at the size I folded the butterflies the paper was quite thick, perhaps a bit too thick for my liking. Still, these small beauties captured my heart. :)
Paper: six 9.5cm squares of double kozo, approx. 95gsm
Models (left to right, top to bottom):
red/purple: The Question Mark (4.5cm high, 6cm wide)
light pink/blue: The Origamido Butterfly (4cm high, 7cm wide)
redbrown/green: A Butterfly for June Sakamoto (4.25cm high, 7cm wide)
light blue/orange: A Butterfly for Mr. Makoto Yamaguchi (4.25high, 7.25cm wide)
red/yellow: A Butterfly for Tony Cheng (4.5cm high, 6.5cm wide)
black/light blue: A Butterfly for Guy Kawasaki (4.25 high, 6.5cm wide)
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