Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, social distancing and self-isolation most, if not all, origami conventions and local group meetings are currently not taking place. The origami community is making the best out of the situation, which includes a whole bunch of online origami meetings. This includes not just meet-ups of like-minded folders to fold and discuss origami topics, but also designers teaching their models, giving fascinating background information and sharing their design process.
Like this we can all connect more and it has the added benefit of being available even to those that would usually not be able to attend conventions and local meetings.
OrigamiUSA has put together a list of such events here: https://origamiusa.o... - you can add your own online meetings there, too, or even use OrigamiUSA's shared Zoom room.
The British Origami Society has also hosted and is continuing to host live folding sessions with designers on their Facebook page: https://www.facebook... - you can watch the recordings of past events here: https://www.facebook...
Finally, I'd like to highlight a session that will give more insight into one approach to creating origami models. On May 9th 2020, Gerardo Gacharná Ramírez will host an online workshop introducing his Frankensteinian method using the example of his shopping bag. Check out the attached poster for details or visit https://origamiusa.o...

Submitted by A.Mandal (not verified) on 11 May 2020 - 7:11am Permalink
About the conference
The wonderful conference is my life's first official conference so l enjoyed very much; and also learned cool origami models.
In the middle the host pronounced my name (when I send a massage) then l .............
Yes,l enjoyed very much in the conference.
Submitted by Juan José Londoño (not verified) on 12 May 2020 - 10:54pm Permalink
It was such a great time.
It was such a great time. Thanks a lot to Gerardo, I've learnt and enjoyed a lot. Also, I'm Colombian as Gerardo, and it was great to know about how far Colombian origami could go through our artists
Submitted by Èvelyne Lili (not verified) on 13 May 2020 - 6:57pm Permalink
Atelier Origami Gerardo
Bonsoir, j'ai participé à la conférence atelier de 3h animée par Gerardo et bien que je sous débutante j'ai pu plié en suivant les indications tres claires et patientes de Gerardo ! J'ai découvert un aspect écologique de l'origami passionnant ! Merci Gerardo pour ce partage généreux !
Submitted by Maurine (not verified) on 15 May 2020 - 3:56pm Permalink
Origami workshop
It was a pleasure to be able to participate in this event, for me it was the first time that I participated in such an event, and I am very happy !
The conference was very interesting, the way of thinking to design a new model is really inspiring... Thanks again to Gerardo and the people who made this possible :D
Submitted by Joan (not verified) on 19 May 2020 - 11:47pm Permalink
Creating Through the Frankensteinian Method
How fortunate to have the opportunity to attend this very special presentation. This was far more than an origami workshop. Gerardo provided a carefully planned presentation on the design process as it applies to paper folding. Drawing both form historical examples as well as the designs of contemporary folders, Gerardo demonstrated how he was able to create a very practical shopping bag. More significantly, he provided a template for effective problem solving. His work would serve as an excellent introduction to the design process for students and others who wish to learn more.
Thank you, Geraldo.
Submitted by Masao (not verified) on 21 May 2020 - 3:08am Permalink
This workshop was great. Now I see Frankestein with different eyes. Gerardo, thanks for your generosity.
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