Stella Rhombica (Ekaterina Lukasheva)

Lukasheva, Ekaterina
Adams, Sara
Difficulty Level: 
Model type: 
30 units
Paper ratio: 

Paper: 30 sheets of 5.4cm squares of foil paper, green/gold
Model: 8.5cm diameter


Can you give some recommendations(based on design, not paper) on what I should fold from the link? I'm thinking of making one for Christmas.

My recommendation is you fold one of the designs that catches your eye. :) Everyone has their own favourites, and I really cannot say which ones are yours. As to which one caught my eye - well, I did fold this one. :)

-- Sara

Thanks, one did catch my eye which was the Andromeda-12. :D By the way I see you made a new column, or is it just me. (By column, I mean the things on the top).

The last unit was rather difficult to fit in without ruining the rest

Hi Sara. I attempted this piece over the weekend and could not figure out how to join the last piece. Can you provide some advice/insight? Thank you!

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