Submitted by Sara on 19 April 2018 - 11:49am
Fujimoto, Shuzo
Adams, Sara
Difficulty Level:
Low intermediate
Model type:
Flowers & Plants
Tessellations and Fractals
Paper ratio:

Paper: 22.9 cm square of Pacon paper
Model: cube with a side length of 5.5 cm
Thanks to Meenakshi Mukerji for encouraging me to fold this model and sharing her notes with me. A couple of other designers have independently come up with this simple extension of Shuzo Fujimoto's hydrangea, a clear sign that this beautiful flower is a perfect decoration for a lid. Pair it with a masu box, or any other box you like and you've got a gorgeous container for a gift.
Submitted by Alice Bellagh (not verified) on 21 April 2018 - 4:05pm Permalink
Hydrangia Box
Please make the instructionsl video for this awesome box.
Submitted by Sara on 23 April 2018 - 6:14pm Permalink
Good news!
Hi Alice,
I'll publish a tutorial on this model on May 5th 2018. :)
-- Sara
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