Designer Contact and Planned Videos

If you're wondering which designers I have been in contact with concerning permission or which models I plan to do a video on, this page should give you a nice overview. Note that I will not pass on contact information of designers out of respect for their privacy.

Title Related Video Statussort descending
Teach Snowflake (Dennis Walker) completed
Teach 12-Pointed Star (Peter Keller) completed
Teach Star Box (Robin Glynn) completed
Teach Stella Pitti (Francesco Mancini) completed
Teach Star Puff (Ralf Konrad) completed
Teach Digits (Andrey Lukyanov) completed
Teach Jack in a Box (Hugo Pereira) completed
Teach Skull (Matthew Green) completed
Teach Apple (Shuzo Fujimoto) completed
Teach Llopio's Moment of Truth (Neal Elias) completed
Teach Snowflake (Jared Needle) completed
Teach Twirl (Krystyna Burczyk): 10 Just Twist Modules completed
Teach Hatching Chick (Peter Engel) completed
Teach Vixen (Román Díaz) completed
Teach Money Baby Buggy (Dominik Meißner) completed
Teach Braided Paper (JC Nolan) completed
Teach Patty Bat (Talo Kawasaki) completed
Teach Carambola (Carmen Sprung) completed
Teach Bat (Fernando Gilgado Gómez) completed
Teach Pelleas Box (Peter Keller) completed