Submitted by Sara on 5 January 2014 - 7:27am
Brill, Assia
Adams, Sara
Difficulty Level:
Model type:
Action models
Review of the paper used:

Paper: strip with a length of 70cm, 0.7cm wide on one side, 3.5cm wide on the other
Model: (almost) square with a side length of 4.75cm
Submitted by Nancy (not verified) on 8 January 2014 - 6:07am Permalink
I just received my copy of
I just received my copy of this book! Hoping you will do a video tutorial to help me get started especially with the twist fix.
Submitted by Sara on 8 January 2014 - 8:28am Permalink
I'm hoping to get something done for March or April. So, yes, I have plans, but you'll still have to wait a little while for an instructional video.
-- Sara
Submitted by Susan (not verified) on 18 January 2014 - 1:09am Permalink
Curlicue Origami
What kind of paper is used and where can I purchase it?
Submitted by Piyush (not verified) on 16 March 2015 - 10:00am Permalink
Curlicue paper
What should I do if I can't find wrapping paper of 70-140 cm in India?
Submitted by Penny (not verified) on 18 October 2018 - 12:26pm Permalink
Other way of making a curlicue.
Can you make a video on how to make a curlicue which rotate anti-clockwise?
Submitted by Admin on 19 October 2018 - 6:30pm Permalink
You have to fold the mirror-image. If you need a tutorial, I suppose you could flip the video horizontally and follow along. :)
-- Sara
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